Justin Gray homes is pleased to be the recipient of the Customer Insights’ Home Owner Mark of Excellence for the Best Customer Experience for the category of Edmonton & Area (5-55 homes).

What is the Home Owner Mark of Excellence?
The Home Owner Mark of Excellence (H.O.M.E.) is a third-party certification program for new home builders who achieve a superior rating for customer satisfaction, as rated by their customers.
Who is eligible?
The H.O.M.E. Certification is available to any and all home builders who are partnered with CustomerInsightTM to survey their customers post-occupancy. CustomerInsightTM verifies survey data and ensures compliance with the program.
How is the certification determined?
After each calendar year, CustomerInsightTM tabulates all customer survey data based on the surveys received post occupancy. Each builder is evaluated based on customer satisfaction, overall response
rate and the total number of surveys received to ensure statistical validity. Builders achieving the H.O.M.E. Certification are notified, and a winner is announced. If a qualifying builder also achieves a minimum of 70% referral potential score for
employee and trade satisfaction, that builder is awarded the Platinum Certification status.